Available for your needs in the oilfield
Seymour Volk President
Office 701-584-2071
Cell 701-391-6226
Fax 701-584-2073
S&S Safety Clamp LLC
6745 68th st sw Elgin, ND. 58533
Email: ss@safetyclamp.us
Our corporate office is where all the guys in suits and ties work. (Just kidding, we even make the bosses work around here.) It's where you can mail, meet, or call us.
Everyone else works in different locations. Products are manufactured at one, and the finishes are put on at another. Our marketing and sales departments have plenty to do, so we don't let them out as much as they would like.
However If your requests involve an in person presentation give us a call and we can send out a rep to speak with you..